Monday, September 30, 2019

How Music Affects the Brain

By: Morgan Jacobs

     Music can impact us in many ways. This impact can be positive and make us feel we are on top of the world. We can also be impacted negatively by feeling upset or sad. Music can make us feel a lot of different emotions all at once, but what is the effect of listening to music on the brain.
     Two UCF professors, Kimbinobu Sugaya (neuroscientist) and Ayako Yonetani (world-renowned violinist), started teaching a course at The Burnett Honors College called “MUsic and the Brain” which teaches students how music impacts the brain. In the class they teach that music can change your ability to perceive time, can tap into primal fear, reduces seizures, makes you a better communicator, makes you stronger, can boost your immune system, assist in repairing brain damage, make you smarter, evoke memories, and can help parkinson's patients. While listening to music, different parts of your brain are doing many things all at once. Listed below is a photo of the brain that shows what part of the brain does what when listening to music.
     Listening to different genres of music can impact us in different ways. For example, classical music enhances dopamine secretion (Dopamine Secretion is the release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is released to make you feel good.), synaptic function (The process in which one neuron communicates with another.), learning, and memory. Heavy metal music elicits a sense of identity and a knack for community. Rap music stimulates emotion, language, motivation, motor function,and processing by being in a “flow state”/zone. Pop and rock music improves endurance and enhances physical performance, but it can also easily distract you while working. Lastly, listening to jazz helps to sooth the body.
     In a study done by Ashford University, The most popular type of music to listen to while working among students is types of music like the blues, gospel, christisn, metal, pop, and avantgarde by 25.8%. The next most popular genres is country and classical music which makes up 12.9%. This is lead by ambient and R and B (9.7%), Electronic/trance and rock (6.5%), and jazz, soul folk/americana, easy listening, and meditative(3.2%).
     Today there are many different ways to enjoy music whether that is on Spotify, Pandora, Youtube, SoundCloud, and many more. All it takes to find these music resources is a quick Google search. Music plays such a big part to affect our brains by helping us all to learn and grow to find what we like.

What the different parts of the brain are doing when listening to music.

Sources :

“Music and the Brain: What Happens When You're Listening to Music.” Pegasus Magazine,

“Ashford University.” (Infographic) | Ashford University, 7 June 2017,

Photo :
Cooper, Belle Beth. “8 Amazing, Little-Known Ways Music Affects the Brain.” Resources, 27 Aug. 2016,

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