Monday, October 7, 2019

Prom Plans

By Katie Stirling

     Every year the junior class is in charge of planning prom. Each class tries their best to make their prom as fun as possible. It can be difficult to find the right venues and places for after prom. You have to keep many things in mind. These include money, location, gas, transportation, catering, DJ, decorations, etc.
     This year we are planning to have our prom in Des Moines. We found a very nice venue called Rollins Mansion. It is within our price range and they have their own caterers. It is also pre-decorated, so we don’t have to worry about buying and setting up our own decorations. It fits our interests well.
     One thing some people didn’t like from last year was how small the dance floor was. This year that won’t be a problem. Although it’s not a huge part of the venue, it is something that will be improved. There will be plenty of room everywhere. Our prom venue committee is going to travel to Des Moines on October 9th to tour the Rollins Mansion.
     Our after prom is also located in Des Moines. It is called the Great Escape. It has several different activities that students will be able to participate in. A few of the main activities are bowling, laser tag, an arcade, and virtual reality. Students could start their own bowling game and play each other. They could create teams and play laser tag. They could experience different virtual realities, or they could play different arcade games.
     As you can see, students will have plenty of options to have fun during after prom. We are hoping to make this prom one that everyone will enjoy. We still have some more planning to do, but it is coming together pretty well.

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