By: Grace Litterer
I have to start this paper off with a confession. I cannot believe that I haven’t done an Infamous High School Students blog. Now, considering that I already discussed each class, I just have to highlight some of the well known students throughout many high schools. So, gather ‘round, and come with me on a nostalgia induced journey.
One student I must mention is the Freshman Racer. Freshman are always rushing. This is a fact we absolutely must acknowledge. This freshman zooms around groups of people and leaps over those sitting on the ground. This freshman may have 3 minutes to get to a class, but this freshman treat it like they only have 30 seconds to run from one end of the school to other. Now, this freshman is an absolute classic, and it would not be high school without them. To all the upperclassman who feel the need to trip a few racing freshman, please refrain. Afterall, you were a Racing Freshman.
Next, is the Driving Sophomore. I know, I know. This isn’t the most creative name, but it’s true nonetheless. Sophomore year is the year that everyone gets their license. Of course, everyone within a 10 mile radius must know. One staple of this student is that they shake their keys. You can hear hordes of sophomores shaking their keys and yelling at their friends.
Third, is the Stressed Junior. Now, I have a lot to say about this student. (Of course, I have to, being that I self-identify as a Stressed Junior.) First of all, we must acknowledge the fact that most people get a job their junior year, or the summer between sophomore and junior year. Most juniors either have a job or an extracurricular that consumes most of their time. Juniors are pressured into having so many clubs and extracurriculars. It seems that there are so many things to do and so little time. Of course, junior year is also the year of tests: ACTs, SATs, pSATs, ASVABs, etc. It’s almost as though junior year is designed to cause anxiety and depression. Frankly, it’s kind of ridiculous.
Finally, we have the Chill Senior. This senior has dealt with stress so long that they have entered a state of calm. Now, most people say that senior year is not a big deal. (Of course, it can be different for each student.) However, despite the easier classes. Senior year is about the future, which can be more stressful than hard classes. Between scholarship applications, job applications, and college applications, there is no room for error during senior year. Despite all of this, seniors seem to be the most calm.
In conclusion, there are many different types of students. There is a staple student each year. No matter which class you are in, no matter which student you are, you would be smart to take the advice of one Troy Bolton (from High School Musical). Believe me when I say, “We are all in this together.”
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