Friday, February 7, 2020


By: Conner Freerks

In the 18th century, Great Britain made colonies on current day Malaysia. Malaysia became its own country in 1963. In this paper, I will be talking about the location and place, economy, culture, environment, and physical features of Malaysia.

Malaysia is located in the southeastern part of Asia. It is made up of two peninsulas and some small islands. Malaysia is mostly surrounded by water. Malaysia takes up a total of 329, 847 sq. km and are 68 in the world for total area. Malaysia is slightly larger than New Mexico and has a tropical climate. They have many natural resources like tin, petroleum, timber, copper, iron, natural gas, and bauxite. The population across the land is spread out very unevenly. They have to worry about major flooding and tropical storms.

The culture of Malaysia is very diverse. The common ethnicity is Bumiputera (60.2%). The most common religion is Muslim (61.3%). The official language of Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia. The population of Malaysia is 31,809,660. There are about five different cultures combined into the Malaysian culture. The Chinese had some influence like they lead the people in the middle part of Malaysia to live a more consumer society.

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