By: Grace Litterer
Well, this is it, folks. I officially start newspaper articles next week. This is the last blog I will write until golf season is over, and I decided to go out with a bang. Now, as promised, I am going to finish this two-part series. Last week, we went over the Procrastinator and the Moviegoer. This week we introduce two new types.
The first is, of course, the Overloader. This person is absolutely frantic. This person has 10 worksheets, 2 projects, 3 papers, and a speech and they intend to get it all done in one study hall. The Overloader is easily recognizable. All you have to do is look for the person that has a three-foot-tall stack of textbooks, notebooks, and folders sitting next to them. They are also identifiable by the stressed and frantic look on their face. I have to be completely honest. I have totally been here. I know the feeling. I know the race to get all of your homework done. I know it. I’ve lived it. Here’s a tell-all fun fact about these people. Most of the time, this person can get it all done, but sometimes…sometimes they don’t get it done, and that’s when sanity leaves the building. This person will do anything to get done with their homework. They will do it during another class if they have to. I play a fun little game where I try to figure out what they have going on after school that they can’t take 10 minutes to finish their math homework. It’s fun to imagine the wildest of things about this person, but, more often than not, they just really want to get back to that Netflix show they have been watching.
The other type of person you will see during study halls is the Traveller. Believe it or not, this happens very often. This person only took a study hall so that they could walk around the school hallways and dilly dally in teachers’ classrooms. This person’s only goal is to sign out of study hall and walk around aimlessly. What a care-free life they must live! To be the Traveller is to know that you can get away with pretty much anything. A 45-minute bathroom break? Sure, why not? There’s nothing and no one stopping this Traveller. I can say with absolute certainty that I have no idea why the Traveller would wander around instead of doing homework, or even watching a movie, but, hey, to each his own. At the very least, this person lives a care-free life. That’s more than I can say.
In conclusion, as a high school junior, I have become pretty good at determining what a student is going to do during their study halls, whether they be a Procrastinator, a Moviegoer, an Overloader, or a Traveller. No matter what type of student you are, be proud of it. There’s pros and cons to all types of study hall goers.
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