Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanksgiving and Christmas Break

By: Lilly Cobb

     Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break are coming up faster then you think! Next week we will only have two days of school. Monday and Tuesday. Then we come back the 20th for a few more days and be let out for Christmas Break. The 20th Will be the end of semester one and once we come back to school on January 6th The being of semester two will start. That means your scandal might change just a little bit or a lot depending on what you are put down for the classes. And I am pretty sure we will be having PBSI Celebration again this year for those who finished the Semester off not failing. Those that do not make it will have a study hall then and work on missing, late, or any homework they have and they will stay there until the PBIS Celebration is over.

So… Get your grades up! Have fun! And try your best.

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